Unlocking the Power of ctxRenderer: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Merge Two Intersecting Shapes using vis-network
Image by Larson - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of ctxRenderer: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Merge Two Intersecting Shapes using vis-network

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Are you tired of dealing with overlapping shapes in your vis-network visualizations? Do you want to create stunning and interactive networks that showcase complex relationships with ease? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of ctxRenderer and explore the magic of merging two intersecting shapes using vis-network.

What is vis-network and ctxRenderer?

Vis-network is a popular JavaScript library used for creating interactive network visualizations. It’s a powerful tool for data visualization, allowing developers to create stunning and interactive graphs, networks, and trees. At the heart of vis-network lies ctxRenderer, a rendering engine that brings your visualizations to life.

CtxRenderer is responsible for rendering the graph, handling events, and providing a smooth user experience. With ctxRenderer, you can customize the appearance and behavior of your visualization, making it an essential component of vis-network.

The Problem: Overlapping Shapes

When working with vis-network, you might encounter a common issue: overlapping shapes. This can occur when two or more nodes or edges intersect, creating a cluttered and confusing visualization. Merging these shapes is crucial to create a clear and engaging representation of your data.

That’s where ctxRenderer comes in. By harnessing its power, you can merge two intersecting shapes, creating a seamless and visually appealing visualization.


Before diving into the tutorial, ensure you have:

  • A basic understanding of JavaScript and vis-network
  • A vis-network project set up with ctxRenderer enabled
  • A clear understanding of the shapes you want to merge (nodes, edges, or both)

Step 1: Identify the Intersecting Shapes

The first step in merging two intersecting shapes is to identify the shapes involved. This might seem obvious, but it’s essential to understand the context and properties of the shapes you want to merge.

Open your vis-network project and inspect the shapes you want to merge. Take note of their:

  • Ids or labels
  • Positions and coordinates
  • Shapes (nodes, edges, or both)
  • Properties (color, size, opacity, etc.)

This information will be crucial in the merging process.

Step 2: Create a Custom Renderer

To merge the intersecting shapes, you’ll need to create a custom renderer using ctxRenderer. This will allow you to manipulate the rendering process and merge the shapes programmatically.

// Create a custom renderer
function customRenderer(ctx, node) {
  // Get the node's shape and properties
  const shape = node.shape;
  const props = node.properties;

  // Render the shape using ctxRenderer
  ctx[shape](props.x, props.y, props.width, props.height);
  ctx.fillStyle = props.color;

This custom renderer will serve as a foundation for the merging process.

Step 3: Detect Intersections

To merge the shapes, you need to detect when they intersect. Vis-network provides a built-in function for detecting collisions and intersections.

// Detect intersections between two shapes
function detectIntersection(shape1, shape2) {
  const rect1 = {
    x: shape1.x,
    y: shape1.y,
    width: shape1.width,
    height: shape1.height

  const rect2 = {
    x: shape2.x,
    y: shape2.y,
    width: shape2.width,
    height: shape2.height

  if (rect1.x + rect1.width >= rect2.x &&
    rect1.x <= rect2.x + rect2.width &&
    rect1.y + rect1.height >= rect2.y &&
    rect1.y <= rect2.y + rect2.height) {
    return true;
  return false;

This function takes two shapes as input and returns a boolean indicating whether they intersect.

Step 4: Merge the Shapes

Now that you've detected the intersection, it's time to merge the shapes. You'll use the custom renderer and the intersection detection function to create a new, merged shape.

// Merge two intersecting shapes
function mergeShapes(shape1, shape2) {
  const newNode = {};

  // Calculate the merged shape's properties
  newNode.x = Math.min(shape1.x, shape2.x);
  newNode.y = Math.min(shape1.y, shape2.y);
  newNode.width = Math.max(shape1.x + shape1.width, shape2.x + shape2.width) - newNode.x;
  newNode.height = Math.max(shape1.y + shape1.height, shape2.y + shape2.height) - newNode.y;

  // Calculate the merged shape's color
  newNode.color = getMergedColor(shape1.color, shape2.color);

  // Render the merged shape using the custom renderer
  customRenderer(ctx, newNode);

// Helper function to calculate the merged color
function getMergedColor(color1, color2) {
  // You can use any color merging algorithm or logic here
  // For simplicity, we'll use a simple average
  const r = (color1.r + color2.r) / 2;
  const g = (color1.g + color2.g) / 2;
  const b = (color1.b + color2.b) / 2;
  return `rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`;

The mergeShapes function takes two intersecting shapes as input, calculates the merged shape's properties, and renders the new shape using the custom renderer.

Step 5: Integrate with vis-network

Finally, integrate the custom renderer and merge function with your vis-network project.

// Create a new network instance
const network = new vis.Network(container, data, options);

// Enable ctxRenderer
  nodes: {
    renderer: customRenderer

// Merged shapes will be rendered by the custom renderer
network.on("beforeDrawing", function(ctx) {
  // Iterate through nodes and detect intersections
  data.nodes.forEach((node) => {
    data.nodes.forEach((otherNode) => {
      if (node !== otherNode && detectIntersection(node, otherNode)) {
        mergeShapes(node, otherNode);

This code sets up a new vis-network instance, enables ctxRenderer, and uses the beforeDrawing event to iterate through nodes, detect intersections, and merge the shapes.


And that's it! With these steps, you've successfully merged two intersecting shapes using ctxRenderer in vis-network. This technique can be applied to various scenarios, including node and edge merging, overlap removal, and more.

By mastering ctxRenderer and applying creative problem-solving, you can unlock the full potential of vis-network and create stunning, interactive visualizations that showcase complex relationships with ease.

Tips and Variations
  • Experiment with different merge algorithms and techniques to achieve unique visual effects.
  • Use animation to smoothly transition between the original and merged shapes.
  • Apply this technique to edge merging, where intersecting edges are combined into a single, smooth edge.

Get creative, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of merging intersecting shapes using ctxRenderer in vis-network! 🤔

Q1: What is the purpose of ctxRenderer in vis-network?

ctxRenderer is a powerful tool in vis-network that allows you to render custom shapes and graphics on the canvas. It provides a way to draw custom shapes, including merging intersecting shapes!

Q2: How do I access the ctxRenderer in vis-network?

To access the ctxRenderer, you need to get a reference to the network's canvas and then use the getContext() method to get the 2D drawing context. You can do this by using the network's onRender event, like this: `network.on('render', function(ctx) { ... })`.

Q3: What is the best approach to merge two intersecting shapes using ctxRenderer?

To merge two intersecting shapes, you can use the ctxRenderer's clipping feature. You can create a clipping path for each shape and then use the `ctx.clip()` method to combine them. This will create a new shape that represents the intersection of the two original shapes!

Q4: How do I determine the intersection points of two shapes?

To determine the intersection points of two shapes, you can use a library like `paper.js` or `fabric.js` which provides built-in functions for calculating shape intersections. Alternatively, you can implement your own intersection detection algorithm using the shapes' geometries and mathematical formulas!

Q5: Are there any performance considerations when merging large shapes using ctxRenderer?

Yes, when merging large shapes, you need to be mindful of performance. Large shapes can result in slow rendering and increased memory usage. To optimize performance, consider using techniques like caching, batching, and simplifying shapes. Additionally, use the vis-network's built-in optimization features, such as `canvas.zoomScale` and `canvas.translation`, to reduce the rendering complexity!

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