XCode Tests Issue: ‘any Protocol’ does not conform to expected type ‘Protocol’ – Solved!
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XCode Tests Issue: ‘any Protocol’ does not conform to expected type ‘Protocol’ – Solved!

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “any Protocol” error in XCode tests? You’re not alone! This pesky issue has been driving many developers crazy, but fear not, dear reader, for we have a solution for you. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Swift protocols, explore the root cause of this problem, and provide a step-by-step solution to get your tests running smoothly.

Understanding the Issue

The error message “any Protocol” does not conform to expected type ‘Protocol’ typically appears when you’re trying to use a protocol as a type in your XCode tests. This might seem counterintuitive, as protocols are meant to define a blueprint for other types to follow. However, the issue arises when the compiler struggles to infer the specific type that conforms to the protocol.

// Example of a protocol
protocol MyProtocol {
    func doSomething()

// A test that triggers the error
func testMyFunction() {
    let myObject: any Protocol = MyObject()
    // ...

The Role of ‘any’ in Swift

In Swift, the ‘any’ keyword is used to indicate that a value can conform to any type. This is particularly useful when working with generics or protocols. However, when used with protocols, ‘any’ can lead to ambiguity, causing the compiler to raise an eyebrow (and an error message).

Solution: Adding the ‘as!’ Cast

The solution to this problem is surprisingly simple: add an ‘as!’ cast to explicitly tell the compiler which type your object conforms to. Yes, you read that right – it’s as easy as adding a few characters to your code!

// The corrected test
func testMyFunction() {
    let myObject: MyProtocol = MyObject() as! MyProtocol
    // ...

By adding the ‘as!’ cast, you’re telling the compiler that you’re certain MyObject conforms to the MyProtocol protocol. This explicit casting eliminates the ambiguity, allowing the compiler to verify that your object meets the protocol’s requirements.

Alternative Solution: Using Type Erasure

If you’re working with a more complex scenario, where you have multiple protocols or generics involved, you might need to employ a more sophisticated approach: type erasure. Type erasure is a technique that helps disguise a type’s underlying complexity, making it easier to work with.

// A type-erased wrapper for MyProtocol
struct AnyMyProtocol: MyProtocol {
    let wrapped: MyProtocol

    init(_ value: T) where T: MyProtocol {
        wrapped = value

    func doSomething() {

// Using the type-erased wrapper in your test
func testMyFunction() {
    let myObject = AnyMyProtocol(MyObject())
    // ...

In this example, we create a type-erased wrapper, AnyMyProtocol, which holds a value of type MyProtocol. By using this wrapper, you can work with your object as if it were a plain MyProtocol instance, without having to worry about the underlying type.

Best Practices for Working with Protocols

To avoid encountering this issue in the future, follow these best practices for working with protocols:

  • Be explicit: When working with protocols, try to be as explicit as possible about the types involved. This will help the compiler understand your intent and avoid ambiguity.
  • Use type annotations: Adding type annotations can help clarify the types involved and prevent the compiler from getting confused.
  • Test your protocols: Verify that your protocols are properly defined and tested to ensure they’re working as expected.
  • Avoid overly complex protocols: Keep your protocols simple and focused on a specific task or responsibility. This will make it easier to work with them and reduce the likelihood of errors.


In conclusion, the “any Protocol” error in XCode tests can be a frustrating issue, but it’s easily resolved by adding an ‘as!’ cast or using type erasure. By following the best practices outlined above and understanding the role of ‘any’ in Swift, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any protocol-related challenges that come your way. Happy coding!

Issue Solution
“any Protocol” error in XCode tests Add an ‘as!’ cast or use type erasure

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask in the comments below. We’re always here to help!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “XCode tests issue: ‘any Protocol’ does not conform to expected type ‘Protocol’ insert ‘as! Protocol'”:

Frequently Asked Question

XCode tests can be a real headache, and we’re here to help you troubleshoot one of the most common issues: ‘any Protocol’ not conforming to expected type ‘Protocol’.

What is the “any Protocol” issue in XCode tests?

The “any Protocol” issue in XCode tests occurs when the compiler expects a specific protocol type, but instead, it finds the keyword “any” used as a placeholder. This can happen when you’re trying to test a protocol that has associated types or multiple conformances.

Why does XCode suggest inserting “as! Protocol” to fix the issue?

XCode suggests inserting “as! Protocol” to explicitly cast the “any” type to the expected protocol type. This is a way to tell the compiler that you’re aware of the type mismatch and you intentionally want to use the protocol type. However, be cautious when using forced casting (as!), as it can lead to runtime errors if the type is not compatible.

Can I use “as?” instead of “as!” to fix the issue?

Yes, you can use “as?” (optional casting) instead of “as!” (forced casting) to fix the issue. This approach is safer, as it returns an optional value that can be nil if the cast fails, rather than crashing at runtime. However, you’ll need to unwrap the optional value using proper error handling techniques.

How can I avoid the “any Protocol” issue in the first place?

To avoid the “any Protocol” issue, make sure to specify the protocol type explicitly when defining your test variables or function parameters. For example, use “let myVariable: MyProtocol” instead of “let myVariable: any”. Additionally, ensure that your protocol definitions are correct, and you’re not using the “any” keyword as a shortcut.

Are there any other solutions or workarounds for this issue?

Yes, there are other solutions and workarounds for this issue. For instance, you can use type erasure or create a generic type that conforms to the protocol. You can also refactor your code to use a different approach that doesn’t require the use of “any” as a protocol type. It’s essential to understand the root cause of the issue and choose the most appropriate solution for your specific use case.

Now, go ahead and test your XCode projects with confidence!